Chairman John Ritchie welcomed the several trustees who attended the fourth AGM of the David Waterson Trust (DWT) on Saturday past and thanked Messrs Savills for the use of their boardroom once again
Office bearers were returned to their respective positions, treasurer Mike Mitchell presented the accounts thanking Mark Taylor for auditing the accounts
Mike also presented a list of approx 60 works by David Waterson that had been donated to and retained by the DWT on behalf of the people of Brechin. An inventory of the works is to be prepared, paintings photographed, catalogued and also held on disc
The chairman reminded the trustees that prior to retirement Norman Atkinson of Angus Council (AC) Cultural Services had indicated that a coloured catalogue of the David Waterson Memorial Collection, donated to the people of Brechin by Mrs Waterson, would be produced incorporating some of the 500 poems also written by David Waterson
The trustees also expressed regret that the rededication of the DW Memorial Collection that would have coincided with the launch of the catalogue and 2014, the sixtieth year since the death of DW, had not materialised and hoped that AC would soon be able to commit to a realistic date
The chairman reported that the DWT website continued to receive numerous hits with many expressing the ease in which one could navigate round the site
The meeting closed when the chairman expressed his thanks to the trustees for their continued support – the next meeting of the DWT is to be held in October 2014 when, due to personal reasons, the chairman announced his intention to retire from the post