Sketch book “Pitlochry” donated to DWT by Mr Ewan Haggart

I am delighted to report that in the few years since the inception of the David Waterson Trust (DWT) the DWT has laid a strong foundation for its continuing research. The Brechin Advertiser has played an important part by recording earlier events which started with the dogged determination of the late Councillor George Allen, this detailed research can be found under the narrative listing of this web site

DW wrote extensively to “The Scotsman” under the heading of “Nature Notes” and we are convinced that in the period of DW’s lifetime 1870 -1954 there must be a huge amount of information still to be uncovered and if anyone wishes to help they can register their interest with Mike Mitchell on 01356 623662 – a worthwhile and rewarding adventure!

It is DWT’s intention to produce a complete chronological analyses of DW’s life and works and the information we have gathered, although vast, is far from complete and we are extremely thankful for the many donations received which have been invaluable in helping with this task

For example, Dr Ian Fallows in his recent address, referred to the date of the sketch that DW drew of his aunt Mrs Taggart whilst in the Paris Opera House, as the same year that Louis Bleriot the first Frenchman to fly the channel – July 1909!

We have to record our grateful thanks also to Mr Ewan Haggart for having donated a sketch book of eight pastel drawings by DW under the title Pitlochry dated Dec 1921 – another definite date in our chronology and another superb gift to be held in trust for the people of Brechin which is currently on display within the current joint exhibition in Brechin

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