AGM 2016

The 2016 AGM of the DWT was held in Brechin last Saturday and our thanks again to Messrs Savills for use of their boardroom.

Office bearers were reappointed as before and the treasurer Mike Mitchell’s accounts were approved.

The last joint exhibition in conjunction with Angus Council was hailed to be a huge success and the chair expressed thanks to all the sponsors and to Marshall Wilkie for the free supply of the catering delicacies and to Messrs City Press for their posters. It was decided to use the DW signature logo for all future publications and exhibitions and our thanks to Ubique Design Guildford for this suggestion and their continued support.

The meeting focused on future challenges and it was decided to explore further into the Swedish connection, the DW coloured catalogue and to make further contact with the British Museum to explore the possibility of holding an exhibition of DW mezzotints handed into the British Museum in 1901! The then President of the RE Sir Seymour Heyden remarked upon seeing the collection “Here at last is genius!” An acclamation of some merit considering the likes of Turner and other great artists around at this time.

I am reminded of my late very good friend ex Provost of Brechin Sandy Buchan’s words with reference to the DW Memorial Collection “It’s about time the people of Brechin saw their collection” Mind you, in this particular instance, they had only lain hidden for forty years! Those who want to learn more of the past can do so by looking into “early research” under narrative listings – worth a read!

The Trustees are still searching for the biography of David Waterson written by Mrs Waterson soon after he died, and whilst we have an abridged version printed in the Edinburgh press 6 months after the death of DW, we understand that the original unabridged version was given to the late Miss Edwards, formerly of the Brechin Advertiser, and we would be delighted to learn of any further information of this hugely important document and any diaries that DW kept and of any further information which again is hugely important now that a coloured catalogue is being researched.

The DWT continue to try to ensure that the will of the late Mrs Waterson is honoured as far as humanly possible, her most serious wish, the establishment of the (DWGAC) David Waterson Gallery and Arts Centre being the final point of business of the meeting and can I make a heartfelt plea for new members, new Trustees and for any donations to assist in bringing together the DWGAC – this much needed facility that will signal the much needed Brechin Centre Renaissance.

Please telephone Mike Mitchell 01356 623662 to register your interest

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